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3 Foot Twitch D Liver Barbel Glug 250ml

3 Foot Twitch D Liver Barbel Glug 250ml
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Stock Code: 133764


3 Foot Twitch - D Liver Barbel Glug 250ml - In Stock stock display


Instore Exclusive


The D-Liver glug ticks all the boxes of liquid formulation and chemical stimuli to entice a feeding response. We have taken extra care to provide the very best in liquids we can find, often sourcing directly from countries all over the world.

The D-Liver contains an high level of poultry liver which creates a very strong meaty odour which lends itself to an highly soluble liquid attractant with all the amino and feeding you would expect in this amino rich glug.

During tests our D-Liver has proven to be one of our best barbel baits on rivers up
down the UK.

Big barbel succumb to its attractive appeal and balanced highly nutritional food source and the glug adds that extra pulling power, especially in autumn and winter when its desired.

The glug provides that soluble attraction around your hookbait or free offerings which leaks when submerged and provides attraction to bottom-dwelling barbel. The leakage will only provide attraction through the bottom contours and will work well in the coldest of water temperatures.

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